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Random Search Engines

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status: defunct

Start Date: 2015
End Date: Unknown
Wikipedia Entry was an Iranian web search engine. Iran's Ministry of Communication and IT claimed the search engine is capable of supporting up to one billion Persian websites and it has currently indexed over 1 billion web pages. Yooz search engine had 100,000 hits and more than 60,000 searchers per day.

Archive Link
status: defunct

Start Date: April 2001
End Date: 2006
Wikipedia Entry

Teoma (from Scottish Gaelic teĆ²ma "expert") was an Internet search engine founded in April 2000 by Professor Apostolos Gerasoulis and his colleagues at Rutgers University in New Jersey. Professor Tao Yang from the University of California, Santa Barbara co-led technology R&D. Their research grew out of the 1998 DiscoWeb project. The original research was published in the paper, "DiscoWeb: Applying Link Analysis to Web Search".

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